Sunday, October 7, 2012

DOW JONES- $13,610.15
S&P 500- $1,460.93
NASDQ- $3136.19

The Walt Disney Co.- $52.97
News Corporation- $25.48
Time Warner Inc.- $46.18

This week in the industry of entertainment diversified, according to Bloomberg, the first debate between President Obama and candidate Mitt Romney attracted 67.2 million viewers which is 28% more than the first debate four years ago. The Walt Disney Company’s ABC drew 11.3 million viewers and News Corporation’s Fox News received 10.4 million viewers, which led all cable networks. NBC drew 11.1 million viewers, CBS averaged 10.6 million viewers and Fox Broadcasting network drew 6.9 million. Time Warner Inc.’s CNN drew 6.05 million and MSNBC had 4.71 million. This is great news for the broadcast networks, increased viewing at this stage in the campaign will hopefully mean higher viewing percentages throughout the entire campaign.

Also in the news for entertainment diversified, according to Wall St. Cheat Sheet, The Walt Disney Co. reached a carriage agreement with Cablevision. This deal will allow Cablevision to offer its customers popular channels like ABC, ESPN, Disney Channel and many others. This will expand Disney’s reach and will hopefully increase stock prices and revenues.

Other news includes News Corporation pushing the Media industry higher on Thursday and was the days featured media winner. The industry as a whole closed the day up 1.4% and by the end of trading News Corp. rose twenty-eight cents.

In other news, according to Wall St. Cheat Sheet Doug Kass a Hedge-fund manager says he is unimpressed by Apple’s performance this year and feels the company may be losing its golden touch. Kass feels that Apple is losing some mojo and mindshare. He, along with other analysts feel that the reaction launch of the iPhone 5 has not been as positive as previous Apple products have seen and this is the first time Apple has no wow factor compared to other products in the market. 

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