Sunday, December 2, 2012

DOW JONES- $13025.58
S&P 500- $1416.18
NASDAQ- $3010.24

The Walt Disney Co.- $49.66
News Corp.- $25.22
Time Warner Inc.- $47.30

This week in my industry, entertainment diversified, according to the Motley Fool, Disney is shaping up to be the movie powerhouse over the next five years. Disney is massive and even producing one movie costing $500M would have a small effect on their revenues. However, I think that movies will tend to be on the higher margin side as long as they are very successful, and the budget is planned out. Disney bought Marvel a few years ago and the Marvel universe really hit it out of the park. The quality of movies and the integration managed to work out really well. Obviously, some movies were better than others, but overall I think the whole brand has tremendous potential. So many movies are in the works, and the revenue potential for Walt Disney Co. is enormous. At least in the sense that hit movies tend to have some nice returns. I see this as a high margin endeavor if it can be pulled off. It's safe to say that the rest of the movies planned for the Marvel cinematic universe will be successful. Ironman 3 looks to be a pretty impressive movie. Disney also has all its other great movies from Pixar like Brave. Overall, Disney looks to be set up very well over the next couple years.
According to The Wall Street Journal, News Corp. plans to name Robert Thomson, who is of the Wall Street Journal, as the CEO of their soon-to-be-created publishing company. The announcement, which could come this week, would fill in a critical detail about the publishing company. News Corp. in June said the media conglomerate would split into two listed companies. The split will separate News Corp.'s entertainment assets, such as the 20th Century Fox film studio and Fox News cable channel, from its publishing assets. Overall, I feel that this decision will help News Corp. generate greater revenue and profit.